May 01, 2008

another redesign

As you can see, things have changed. Here is a list.
  • Template - It's green! This theme was inspired by the GDNet classic theme. Hopefully I didn't break anything with my lack of CSS skills. Also, no more bunnies.
  • Display name - I've ended my half-assed attempt at anonymity. The blog is now on my main Google account, which is more convenient for me.
  • Title - I still suck at coming up with names for things. Might as well call it what it is.
  • URL - I wanted something related to what this blog is about. It's hard to come up with decent sounding names that aren't already taken.
  • Stat counter - Now I can keep track of my readers. All three of them.

1 comment :


I like your new design!

since the last visit I made a couple of weeks ago there where a lot of new post Bravo

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