July 25, 2008

physics based animation

I was experimenting with physics based animation with Box2DX:

I don't think it would work well for my project, but the results are entertaining. The movement of the bodies is controlled by joints (revolute and prismatic), with motors enabled. The speed of a motor is modified to target a certain angle/translation based on keyboard input.



(matt_j from gamedev.net)

Wow. Thanks for introducing me to box2dx... This will come in handy.

Also, your projects are pretty awesome, I'll definitely be checking here every once and a while.


awww.. it's cute.

i really want a bunch of those to be wandering around soldat levels, they'd be adorable upon death.


It can climb stairs too, but timing the legs is tricky (the legs are controlled by two different keys and you have to alternate between them manually).

I do want to have some mech type things in the game but it will have to be done some other way.

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