December 25, 2007

lack of progress report

yay for Bezier curves

Despite having been out of school for two weeks, I have not managed to make much progress on my project. I did a lot of thinking about my animation system though, and I've decided that I will try to implement a simple version of Maya's graph editor.

My original plan to do frame by frame animation with linear interpolation between frames doesn't seem good enough after animating with Maya. I need the smoothness and slow in/slow out that gives the movement weight and makes it convincing. Also, the ability to set keyframes at any point in the animation, rather than regular intervals, will help with the timing.

Hopefully I'll have something interesting to show before I have to go back to school in two more weeks.



It would be amazing if you uploaded the current version of the animation editor, I'd love to try it out. Seeing the T-Rex picture makes me extremely interested to see how it currently works!


you seems very talented :) I'm a coder too and i liked your blog so much that i think i'll open a devlog of my own too.
Keep working, indie way to gamedev is hard but it's the best to reach your dreams!


Good luck with your devlog, Eclipse. Anon, the editor is not usable at this point. I will upload it when it is, but that won't be anytime soon. I'm a bit stuck at the moment; implementing the system I have in mind has turned out to be more difficult than I expected.


No worries! I was just interested, that's all. Keep up the good work!

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