Changes to the interface include:
- scenery window, waypoints window, colouring options combined into one "tool options" window that shows the options of the current tool
- resizable colour palette with variable number of colours
- more display options
- alpha tool
what's inside tree in display window?
what are those tabs in upper part of window?
isn't tools window a little 'fat'?
oh and yeah, gj and keep woek going
Wow that looks awesome! Feels a bit too... Windows-like so far, if you know what I mean ;) But I'm sure the slick PW int. will appear shortly.
Hooray, "Help" is now next to Window :D
Actually I''m going to stick with the Windows style instead of Soldat style this time. I was going to do custom rendering of all the controls but it turned out to be harder than I expected so I decided it wasn't worth the work. Not to mention that not everyone likes the Soldat style.
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